Inequality in England & Wales

Net household income after housing costs is the amount of money a household has to spend after they've paid taxes and received benefits and paid for their housing.

The smallest area for which the ONS reports meant net household income is the MSOA. Each MSOA contains about 8000 people. The City of Leeds has 107, Greater Manchester has 345. London has 983, The UK has 7201. You get the picture.

I count up how many MSOAs in each country, region, city, or local authority have an average income in each bracket. Then I draw a graph.

To start you off here's a graph comparing poor Wales to rich South-East England.

Net income by MSOA (AHC)

I see you like technical details, welcome my friend. The data is the Net weekly household income (equivalised) after housing costs by middle layer super output area (MSOA), England and Wales, 2011/12 (£) set from The ONS small area income estimates for middle layer super output areas, England and Wales. Scotland and Northern Ireland aren't included because statistics for those nations are devolved.