GB Public Transport Isochrones.
Tom Forth,
How far can you get in one hour from Birmingham using public transport? What about in two hours? What about three?
Here's a map. You can also download the isochrones in geojson format.
How far you can get from Birmingham using public transport.
How far can you get in one hour from London using public transport? What about in two hours? What about three?
Here's a map. You can also download the isochrones in geojson format.
How far you can get from Birmingham using public transport.
Some questions you've probably got.
- Each map takes six hours to calculate and requires a computer with 128GB of RAM which I need to borrow, so I won't be doing many more.
- I'm sorry that the colour scheme is not great for some people. The geojson files will let you create alternatives and I'll happy to share them.
- For much more work like this, read this blog post by me at Open Innovations which is centred on Bradford and which includes modelling of new services.
- You may also like my Northern Isochrones tool and my Scottish Isochrones tool. Or you might not.
- All calculations are done using the OTP4GB repository. Most models I run are much smaller, this was just a test and I learned a lot by doing it.
- The results look pretty good to me, but use them at your own risk.
- All the results are open licenced. Just credit me please. Specifically the licence is CC-BY 4.