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The Homeowner,




Leeds Empties,
70 Cross Green Lane,

0113 200 9383

The Date

Gill Coupland

07840 167258

Rob Greenland

07905 800 710

Dear Homeowner,

At Leeds Empties we've helped hundreds of people like you bring their homes back into use. We work with Leeds City Council to offer our advice for free and together we're seeing great results.

Good local schools content will go here.

Broadband content will go here.Crime content will go here.

Council tax content will go here.

House price content will go here.

Whatever your circumstances, we have the experience to help. Give us a call on 0113 200 9383.


Gill, Rob, and the Leeds Empties team.

Prices and trends for homes around

  1 bed 2 bed 3 bed 4 bed
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